America is an Empire in Decline

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Barry J. Dyke, author of Pirates of Manhattan, joins Patrick Donohoe to discuss his new book, The Pirates of Manhattan II: Highway to Serfdom.

In The Pirates of Manhattan II: Highway to Serfdom, Barry James Dyke warns us that America is an empire in decline. We have an asset management industrial complex which controls the nation’s savings and credit for the enrichment of Wall Street, mutual fund companies, global asset managers, executive insiders and the media.

For more insight into what the financial markets are experiencing and the underlying drivers of many of the profit engines within Wall Street , The Pirates of Manhattan II: Highway to Serfdom is a must-read. It will be an eye-opener of the first order.

To learn more about Barry J. Dyke and his new book, Pirates of Manhattan II: Highway to Serfdom, visit his website:

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