3 Things That Will Help You Beat Stock Market Gains

Beat Stock Market Gains

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Think of all the time, energy, and education you invest in earning your money. Regardless of the work you do, you use your brain to do it. Your mind is a billion-dollar asset. And unless artificial intelligence surpasses human thinking, you are the smartest thing going.

Typical financial advice sounds like this, “Give me your money and I’ll invest it for you because I’m smarter than you.” Those who benefit from the stock market as a savings vehicle want you to turn your mind off and let them do it for you. We don’t agree. When you relinquish control of your finances to the market, you are using the “cross-your-fingers” strategy to save your hard-earned money—maybe not the best use of your brain.

Even the most successful people can be misled. There is no magical kingdom of investments and returns that will somehow increase your wealth without your involvement. But why do people believe this? Because it’s easy, they don’t know a different way, and the market has been mostly up until recently.

Let’s look briefly at the progression of retirement savings modalities. Pensions were originally set up as an added benefit from companies to retain employees, and were popular from the 1970s to the 1990s. It was less expensive for the company to offer a pension than deal with turnover (or was it?).

Defined contribution plans like 401(k)s were designed to take the burden of pensions from companies. They’ve been popular since about 1975 (smart companies match employee contributions to attract and retain talent). We’re possibly stating the obvious when we say that this savings vehicle works well only if the market goes steadily up with slight downturns and recoveries. That’s not necessarily the case now.

Today, you have the entire burden of your financial future squarely on your shoulders and the control to make or break your retirement savings. You may not have the preparation you need to handle it.

We want you to learn how you can receive more financial returns than you would in the stock market, but to do that you need to use that billion-dollar asset to create a completely new strategy. Einstein backs us up when he said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Start by analyzing your life-value financial statement—a personal list of your increase and decrease in income. Here’s where you and your knowledge, skills, and abilities fall on this list:

Beat Stock Market Gains

Your assets are what create your income. For example, some people would say a degree is an asset? Is it your best asset? Possibly, but only you could determine that. Regardless, having a degree is of value. For sure continual, steady education can be one of your best assets. Never stop learning.

Here are three things that will help you beat normal stock market gains:

  1. Become a perpetual learner.
    When you put your money in a place where it will consistently compound and also be liquid you can borrow from yourself to invest in new skills that can generate more income. Your continued education has a compounding effect on your money. We don’t necessarily mean formal education. Research local and online courses available to you through sites like Coursera, Udemy, Lynda.com, and iTunes University. New skills give you the ideas and ability to make more money.
  2. Take control of your money by borrowing against a whole life policy.
    You don’t surf on hope—hope that the market stays up, hope that your fees are low, and hope taxes stay low. We know that, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” (Thanks Uncle Ben and Peter Parker.) You have power and responsibility to make better decisions with your financial future. We want to show you how a whole life insurance policy with a cash addition that you can borrow from will put you in control of how your money grows.
  3. Never pay interest to a bank again.
    Your income is consistently coming in higher than your outgo. When you have a cash addition you can borrow from you don’t pay interest to the bank. So you can carefully analyze your investment to ensure that any money you borrow will create more money than what it costs you. Take a simple real estate investment for example. The lower you can get your investment cost, the more probable you’ll have a higher income than outgo on that investment.

You have an infinite amount of value between your two ears. Optimize it, grow it, and give back. We are firm believers that the more you value you can give to someone, the more it comes back to you.

In that vein, we have a commitment continual learning that offers you a return, so we’ve created a FREE, extensive eCourse to help you take back control of your finances. It only takes 2 minutes to sign up and receive access to video tutorials, articles, and podcasts. It literally costs you nothing to become educated on this ideal strategy and start changing your wealth paradigm!

Take advantage of this FREE resource by clicking below.

Beat Stock Market Gains


Q: What is one key strategy to potentially beat stock market gains?

A: Continuous learning and self-education are crucial for enhancing financial opportunities and making informed investment decisions.

Q: How can whole life insurance policies contribute to financial control?

A: Strategically using whole life insurance policies can offer financial control and flexibility, potentially contributing to greater financial growth than traditional market investments.

Q: What role does managing personal financial resources play in investment success?

A: Effective utilization of personal financial resources, such as avoiding traditional bank interest, can lead to more efficient financial management, aiding in surpassing typical market returns.

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A Wealth Maximization Account is the backbone of the Perpetual Wealth Strategy™

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