How to Boost Your Financial IQ for FREE!

economics, education

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Does your New Year’s resolution include lifelong learning? Have you ever wished you knew more about economics? Do you want to introduce your kids or youth groups to economics and how it ties into human behavior? An eye-opening nonpartisan resource exists right under your nose—and it’s free!

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) “is a non-political, non-profit, tax-exempt educational foundation” dedicated to the “economic, ethical and legal principles of a free society.” FEE publishes free books courses, and articles for any audience. The also host conferences, seminars, lectures and events for youth ages 14 to 26; and their online presence is allowing them to reach even more young people.

FEE describes its mission as to “inspire, educate and connect future leaders with the economic, ethical and legal principles of a free society.” Not only can you access hundreds of articles and information for adults, FEE offers a variety of programs for high school students, undergraduates, and graduate students. Since 1946 FEE has also sponsored public lectures by various thinkers, including Ludwig von MisesF.A. HayekHenry Hazlitt, Milton FriedmanJames M. BuchananVernon SmithWalter WilliamsF.A. “Baldy” HarperWilliam F. Buckley Jr. and others.

Their articles span topics like history, philosophy, policy, culture, and general economics.

FEE’s Economics in One Day Course

Economics is fun and inspiring. Since human choice is the starting point for all of economics, learning it should be relatable and intuitive. This is the attitude of Economics in One Day. In this free course you’ll learn (or be able to teach others) about scarcity, prosperity, values, cooperation, character, markets, spontaneous order, and entrepreneurship. You’ll see the profound effect of free markets on our standard of living across the globe and over hundreds of years.

FEE’s Economics in One Day is both an in-person workshop and an online course, providing an inspiring introduction to the principles of the free market economy. The workshop is a 3-5 hour, self-paced learning experience with a focus on the humane value of free markets. Best of all, it is designed to be delivered by non-economists using interactive, hands-on activities and guided discussions.

FEE’s Economics of Entrepreneurship Course

What does it mean to be entrepreneurial? What virtues do entrepreneurs have and what behaviors do they exhibit? What kind of character do successful entrepreneurs tend to have? What is the specific role of entrepreneurs in the economy? What do entrepreneurs do, precisely? How can I be an entrepreneur?

This course is great for:

  • • Students interested in starting a business or learning more about the economic way of thinking.
  • • Teachers seeking to complement learning objectives taught in introductory-level economics, business, history, and civics classes.
  • • Leaders of youth organizations looking for lessons and activities around entrepreneurship, economics, personal character, and civil society.
  • • Parents wanting their students to get the most out of life through making better choices and better understanding the tradeoffs involved with those choices.

One of our favorite topics in economics is the theory of Austrian Economics. Look for several articles on the FEE website, like Understanding Austrian Economics by Henry Hazlitt for a good basic explanation of Austrian Economics. Also check out our blog called Why Austrian Economics Will Increase Your Billfold.

The concept of Austrian economics is the power behind what we call Infinite Banking Concept. It’s a strategy that offers a way to structure your finances outside of Wall Street. It encourages you to build a financial base with the keystone as a dividend-paying life insurance policy with a cash addition. This cash addition allows you to borrow money from the policy for investments and big purchases. The goal for this concept is to eliminate your need for banks and finance companies. It’s radical, and doable—with the right coaching from Paradigm Life.
blog-76-2Let us help you to structure your life insurance policy to take advantage of the theory of Austrian Economics—you can automate savings, access liquid money, and provide for your family’s future. At Paradigm Life, we want to show you how the Infinite Banking and the Perpetual Wealth System can offer the best financial strategy for all economic climates. We are excited to invite you to take 2 minutes to sign up for a FREE, extensive eCourse called Infinite 101®. You’ll receive access to video tutorials, articles, and podcasts. It literally costs you nothing to become educated on this ideal financial strategy and start changing your wealth paradigm!

Take advantage of this FREE resource by clicking below.

economics, education

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A Wealth Maximization Account is the backbone of the Perpetual Wealth Strategy™

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