Using Whole Life and Crowdfunding for Real Estate

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ben-miller-adImagine Real Estate syndication with passionate individuals looking to get involved. It’s called crowdfunding, and it’s a modern strategy for both seasoned and rookie investor looking to build and enhance their investment portfolio.

Crowdfunding, in the last five years, has gone from arbitrary to a legitimate business model. It’s not just being used by individuals who lack enough money to jumpstart an idea, financially successful celebrities like Neil Young and Zach Braff have used the crowdfunding concept to launch their personal projects. ( Crowdfunding for many people – successful business man to street wise musician – is now a preferred strategy to finance anything.

One of the most effective organizers of crowdfunding are brothers Dan and Ben Miller from Fundrise. Their Real Estate project, Maketto, located in the gentrifying Near Northeast neighborhood of Washington DC, is acclaimed as a thriving crowdfunding venture. (

To help fund the project, 175 people contributed at only $100 a share and are now receiving dividends, which come from rental streams and property appreciation.

Maketto is an example of crowdfunding at its finest. Instead of pairing with experienced colleagues to syndicate, crowdfunding is an opportunity for people with money and drive to get involve with investing.

Using Whole Life and Crowdfunding for Real Estate

Crowdfunding with Whole Life

Many of Paradigm Life’s clients invest in Real Estate – we actually promote it. If executed correctly, Real Estate is a safe and extremely lucrative way to build wealth. And using your whole life policy as a way to finance your investments creates a thriving system.

Recently, President and CEO of Paradigm Life, Patrick Donohoe met with Real Estate guru, Mike Hambright of FlipNerd. During Flip Show #164, Patrick and Mike discussed how privatized banking and Real Estate investing goes hand-in-hand.

When you use a cash value policy when investing, it provides an opportunity for the investor to not only have access to liquidity, but financial safety if a deal happens to dissolve.

Cash Value Insurance and Wealth Building

A Banking Policy, cash value policy, infinite banking, privatized banking – these are all names for a Whole Life Insurance Policy.

Traditional Whole Life Insurance comes with an inherent cash value because it’s supported by a death benefit. Many individuals mistake Whole Life for Term, as they don’t realize the wealth building attributes it comes with.

With Whole Life, you give yourself liquidity, a steady rate of return, market protection, income for retirement, and a family legacy. Whole life provides tax benefits, and can be considered an inflation hedge.

Properly structured Whole Life Insurance is a foundational asset that provides wealth and security for anyone looking to be smart with their money.

Whether you’re interested in growing your investment portfolio with crowdfunding or on your own, Whole Life is sure-fire tool and strategy that can boost your profits.

***Ben Miller and Mike Hambright will be speaking at the #cfwsummit


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