Justin Atkinson

Wealth Strategist

Justin’s entrepreneurial spirit began as a young boy. Justin’s father learned about a construction business at a young age and built that business from the ground up into a successful business that is still operational today (nearly 50 years later). This had a huge impact on Justin that instilled the basic life principles of hard work, ingenuity, integrity and commitment. Justin learned by his father’s example that these 4 principles are essential to anything he does in life. These 4 principles have been instrumental in creating success in Justin’s own Construction Company, teaching self-motivational seminars and a Financial Services practice for nearly 23 years.

Justin also realized that the entrepreneurial spirit is alive in each and every individual and you don’t have to own a company to be an entrepreneur. By educating his clients on the principles of the Infinite Banking Concept, Justin’s clients realize that they have the power to create the flexibility, passion and peace-of-mind that comes with financial stability and freedom. It’s really that easy and Justin is masterful in teaching and educating his clients to see how that can be accomplished regardless of their situation or circumstances of life. Justin lives the very Infinite Banking Principles he teaches and has learned that experience is the best teacher in life. Justin is married to his best friend Hollie – for nearly 25 years. They have three children: Emily, Jake and Ben. Emily is graduated from Westminster College in Salt Lake City and played 4 years of college volleyball. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education. Jake is attending Utah Valley University with an athletic scholarship playing baseball and Ben will be following in his brother’s footsteps. Needless to say, Justin and Hollie enjoy supporting their children in their school and sport activities and have traveled the world doing so. They enjoy hiking, vacationing to the beach and spending time together as a family. The Infinite Banking Concept is a vital part of their family and each child is actively implementing these concepts into their lives.

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Top Financial Books

  • The Richest Man in Babylon
    George S. Clason
  • How Privatized Banking Really Works
    L. Carlos Lara and Robert P. Murphy
  • The Law
    Frederick Bastiat

Favorite Quotes

You can only get to where you are coming from.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
Steve Jobs