Saying NO to Bad Financial Advice

Saying NO to Bad Financial Advice

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Saying NO to Bad Financial Advice
Saying NO to Bad Financial Advice

It’s easy to get burned by financial advice when you anxiously want to make the right decisions with your money. The problem is, people everywhere – even those in your close circles – like to tell you what to do with your money. Don’t get us wrong, talking about business and money with your friends shouldn’t be taboo, but it should be taken with a grain of salt.

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad points out that part of what makes the rich successful is they openly discuss business and money. Money is part of what the rich do and who they are, and wealth is not an abstract concept to make sense of. To the rich, being wealthy just is.

Learn Wealth Building Principles

But even rich people started somewhere. The question then is: where is that somewhere and how do you weed out the bad advice?

It first starts with education. Wealth Strategists at Paradigm Life stress to clients the importance of gaining individual financial education. We do this because too many financial advisors give blanket advice that doesn’t work.

At Paradigm Life, we don’t simply tell you what to do with your money, we teach you how to capture money’s opportunity cost, so you can safely make your own wealth building decisions.

Money and its Opportunity Cost

Money comes at a price, and that price is the interest rate. Right now, banks are charging about 3%-5% interest on money needed to buy a house. What if you could forgo paying what the bank charges and instead pay yourself?

Using your own resources and paying yourself the interest is called privatized banking; and its vehicle is whole life insurance.

Whole Life Insurance is what the rich use to keep their money safe and keep their wealth growing. Life insurance, built the right way, is protected from the stock market, grows with tax benefits (if not tax-free), has a liquid cash value, and can supplement other performing assets.

The “AND” Asset

We call Whole Life, the “AND” asset because it’s one of the few resources that can be used in conjunction with other assets.

Real Estate Investors, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, wealthy families – all use whole life as a means to a very successful financial end.

Now, the next time someone gives you free financial advice, you won’t get burned; instead you’ll know exactly what to do with it.

For more information on how Whole Life Insurance can benefit your financial future,

Read: 6 Things to Know about Cash Value

Watch: Life Insurance – The AND Asset

Listen: Make Risk Work for You

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